They lied (again), saying that Jacob told them to tell Joseph to forgive them. BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 29, Day 4: Genesis 50:15-21ġ3) The brothers feared retribution from Joseph over what they did. Joseph told them he would provide for them and their families. God intended their actions for good so that he can save many lives. Joseph told them to not be afraid (much like God would). The brothers threw themselves at Joseph’s feet, calling themselves his slaves. They lied (presumably again), saying that Jacob told them to tell Joseph to forgive them.

Now with Jacob dead, the brothers feared retribution from Joseph over what they did. The book of Genesis concludes with Joseph’s death - a death that looks forward to the future. Some promises of God take a long time to fulfill. Joseph would be taken out of Egypt by Moses to the Promise Land for burial in 400 years time. His bones/coffin stood as a testament to the Israelites of the future of the Promise Land. It is said that Joseph was never buried in Egypt. He was foreigner most of his life, but he was faithful to God throughout, and was rewarded for it. We can presume that Joseph continued to lead the people of Egypt and his family. He was 56 when Jacob died, and none of the details of Joseph’s live is recorded in scripture. Joseph was led and blessed by God his entire life. End Notes BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 29, Day 5: Genesis 50:22-26

Conclusions BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 29, Day 5: Genesis 50:22-26 They were both honored and embalmed, and both will be buried in the Promise Land. It was a long journey, but God and His ways brought them both to Him. He knew the Israelites would be taken back to the Promised Land when the time was right.ġ8) Both died in faith surrounded by their family. BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 29, Day 5: Genesis 50:22-26ġ6) God will come to take them to the Promise Land.ġ7) Joseph never doubted God and His promises. He made them swear to carry his bones out of Egypt and take him with them. Joseph told his brothers that God will come to take them to the Promise Land. Joseph died at age 110 and lived to see the third generation of Ephraim’s children. Keep on shining God’s light as best as I can as a flawed human. I always hope I’m a better person, but it’s truly hard to see that in my life. If you can believe that God has a plan for your life and everything works together for your good, then life will be infintely easier. It’s one of the most hopeful stories in the Bible. He faced so many challenges and struggles in his life, yet God had a plan to save the world (and us) through him. I just keep plugging along, hoping it is God’s will. Day 1:įor me, I was impacted by how God can do anything he wants, from choosing who he wants to his punishments and consequences of sin. Plus, since I just lost my cat, I’m having a really hard time doing anything right now. I usually just do one post for Lesson 30 since they are all personal questions. For example, a discussion of the Book of Jonah may lead to a discussion surrounding literal and figurative meanings of the Old Testament.BSF Study Questions Lesson 30: Book of Genesis It’s totally okay to bring up elements of Christian faith as they relate to what you’re reading.For example, if you’re reading the story of Moses and the burning bush, you may ask, “Why would God take the form of a bush, specifically? Why not a tree or a flower? What does this say about how God shows his love to us?” or something along those lines.If a particular chapter or passage didn’t really mean a lot to you, there’s no need to force yourself to say something. You don’t have to speak if you don’t want to.Keep a notebook nearby during meetings so that you can jot down ideas, thoughts, and questions as they come to you. As discussions develop, ask yourself, “What does this reading tell me about God or the nature of humanity?” While that question is a big one, identifying the theological relevance of a passage is a great way to determine where the discussion should start.

Develop questions and comments based on issues raised in the reading.